are many types of church goers. Which one best describes you?
The Comer
are the attenders. Their appearance is motivated by coercion, duty or guilt. They
may be loud or quiet, young or old, a party of one or a family of many. They deliberately
show up late to avoid any situation where they might actually have to speak to or
shake hands with another person. They sit in the back, talk among themselves so
as to disrupt the worship of others, text during the teaching, and are out the
door before the pastor can say, “Amen.” They will never, ever place an offering
in the bag or thank the Sunday School teacher who just spent the last ninety
minutes loving on their children. Comers make no friends, establish no
connections, engage no one in conversation and do everything in their power to
ensure it stays that way. They come; they leave; end of story.
The Watcher
are the observers, mere spectators, often demanding entertainment as recompense
for their presence. They often come to church to experience some new “move of
the Holy Ghost”. They come hoping to see miracles, hear people bark like dogs,
or if they are lucky, observe otherwise sane human beings roll on the floor
like wild animals. They may be drawn by a charismatic guest speaker or the
hottest new sounds in Christian music. Feigning allegiance to true, Spirit-led
worship, they close their eyes, sway with the beat, and move their lips in sync.
At times, they may even release a well-placed, “Hallelujah!” in public demonstration
of their authenticity.
often come to check out the dating/mating scene or assess potential financial
opportunities. But if the crowd proves non-receptive, the mood turns sober or the
preacher dares to talk about personal sin, these individuals begin looking for the
nearest exit sign. They smile and shake a few hands as they quickly make their
way towards the door, confident God is well-pleased with such devotion and will
surely lead them to greener pastures.
The Consumer
are the takers. They enter the sanctuary doors for one reason and one reason
only: to devour the resources of the saints. Believing the church exists to
meet their every need, satisfy their every whim, and never challenge their
selfish lusts, they set about to systematically strip the body of Christ of all
means and resource. They are inordinately obsessed with the idea that it is
somehow their right to possess things all things sanctified to God and the church’s
obligation to humbly comply with their demands. At the first sign of
resistance, they are quick to take offense, claim divine injustice, and cry
accumulating whatever mobile assets they can stuff in their pockets, they exit
the holy place with the same arrogance they entered, leaving behind empty
shelves, lighter wallets, and exhausted servants. Then, as vagabonds devoid of
any sense of gratitude or loyalty, they simply regroup and move on down the
The Investor
are the sanctified givers. They recognize nothing belongs to them. All they are
and all they’ve been given has been consecrated to God. Silently they come,
without trumpets or fanfare, ready and grateful for the opportunity to invest
in the work of the ministry. Whether treasures or talents, possessions or
passions, the total of all they touch is offered in sweet surrender to the
Maker of all.
do not seek position, power or prestige. They are not self-promoting, but
others-oriented. They come not to be served but to serve. They come prepared to
defend the weak, restore the fallen, and to rebuild lives destroyed by sin. They
die daily so others might live. They understand the role of a slave and are not
ashamed to be seen washing dirty feet. Behind the scenes, virtually invisible,
they heal the wounded, mend torn nets, and set captives free. They know where
true riches are stored and God knows the love of their heart.
The Worshiper
are the genuine saints of God. Together, they come to personally and
collectively encounter the Ever-Present great, I Am. They boldly enter into His
presence with thanksgiving and are enraptured with the glory of His majesty.
They turn their eyes towards heaven and Heaven responds. Their faces radiate
His beauty. These have little time for selfish ambitions, carnal comparison or
self-centered endeavors, in or out of church. They have enjoyed fellowship with
the King of Kings. His name alone is on their lips and they ever live to
declare His praise.
The Redeemer
are the evangelists. Having surrendered all, having counted their lives as lost
for the sake of the gospel, these live with a single focus: to redeem a lost
and dying world. So grateful for the salvation they have received, they can do
nothing less. For them, nothing else compares; nothing else satisfies; nothing
else matters; nothing else is worth living for. They will suffer long, pray
without ceasing, never give up and never let up until all have heard of God’s
redeeming love.
are the heralds; the prophets; the proclaimers. These understand time is short
and the enemy is real. Putting on the full armor of God, they will press on and
never cease to declare the gospel until, one way or the other, the Lord takes
them home.
Which one are you?
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