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As the two mini vans drove past the iron gates into Sierra Hills Memorial Park in Fair Oaks a frigid, late winter drizzle made the morning seem all the more dreary. The cold misty air reminded the vehicle occupants of the harsh realities of death which suddenly engulfed the visitors. After taking a few wrong turns, the drivers found their destination and parked opposite the gravesite of baby Chloe.
Respectfully, three women and seven children under the age of eight quietly emerged from the vans. Clutching beanie babies, the children slowly walked towards the place where the body of their little friend had been laid to rest. Even though the site was already covered with similar mementoes, one by one each child laid their gifts of love on top of the small grave. Holding hands, the group lifted up short prayers asking the God of all comfort to comfort the still grieving parents. Then huddling close together, as much for warmth as for the photo shot, a picture was taken of the group standing behind the headstone to commemorate their visit. That evening the photo was emailed to the surviving parents.
It was the fifth anniversary of little Chloe’s death. The parents had moved out of town two years earlier and were no longer able to visit the burial site. Chloe’s mother felt guilty for not being able to visit the grave of her precious baby girl. But when she received the email and photo, tearfully she called to express heart-felt gratitude for the ongoing support of such dear friends.
The cemetery trip that day required a little preparation and a bit of coordination. The beanie babies were a minimal expense. Yet this simple act of love was profoundly helpful in easing the guilt of a still grieving mother and assisting Chloe’s parents in continuing to commemorate their infant daughter’s short life. It was a poignant acknowledgement of the reality of one of life's most painful experiences. But it was also a compassionate assurance that despite the pain, with God’s help, life goes on. And Chloe’s parents, having not only survived the sorrow but saw their faith strengthened during the pain, would be the first to share with other grieving parents, “There may be many nights of weeping, but one day, joy will come again in the morning.” (From Psalms 30:5NKJ)
While still in the womb, it was discovered baby Chloe had no skull cap to protect her tiny brain. The parents were repeatedly counseled to abort their child, even up to the 26th week of Chloe’s developing life. The parents refused, instead wholly committing the life of their unborn child to the care of the Creator of life. Then they prayed.
Chloe survived to full term but was not expected to survive the birthing process. She did. She was not expected to live past her first 24 hours of life, but she did. Family and friends remember Chloe’s courageous fight for survival which baffled the doctors for more than six weeks. Her survival thus far could only be attributed to the power of prayer. Then Chloe’s heavenly Father called her spirit back home.
According to a New York Times article, “Infant mortality has been declining in the United States. But 28,000 infants under the age of one still die every year.” Coping with any death is painful enough. But coping with the death of a child is enormously difficult, especially for surviving parents and family members. According to grief counselors, during times of crisis family members often turn back to their faith-based roots, seeking God for consolation as well as answers to the difficult questions about life and death which inevitably surface.
There is assistance for these families, as God has established many reputable Christian ministries which provide emotional support throughout the bereavement process. One such organization is Umbrella Ministries which offers informed, compassionate Biblical support to help parents deal with the loss of a child in the name of Jesus. Having their roots in Palm Springs, CA, Umbrella Ministries is rapidly expanding to other areas of Southern California. Their hope is to reach out to grieving parents throughout the entire state soon.
In a recent newsletter, Umbrella Ministries Founder, Daisy Catchings, reinforced the wisdom of the gift given to baby Chloe’s parents by reminding family and friends to continue celebrating the life of the deceased child and to not be afraid to mention the child by name. Such communications reinforce the dignity and preciousness of all human life.
Hannah’s Prayer Ministries is also an excellent resource for grieving parents. This international ministry provides Christian-based support and encouragement to married women around the world who are struggling with a variety of fertility challenges. Their services include bereavement counseling following early infant death.
Another effective Christ-centered ministry is “Bereaved Moms Share”, which offers online assistance for Christian women who have lost an infant. Through their website, parents are able to remember their babies, encourage one another and share their hope in Christ that they will one day be united with their children in heaven.
All life is precious to God, especially the lives of children. Coping with the loss of a child is excruciatingly painful. Regardless of the length of life, honoring all life honors the Giver of Life. And finding creative ways to celebrate the life of a deceased child can go a long way towards helping grieving parents bear their loss and move through the stages of grief.
Christians may not have all the answers to all the questions asked by grieving parents. But believers can help commemorate life, provide the comfort of their physical presence during times of extreme sorrow, and share the knowledge of the ever-present God who comforts those who mourn. “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.” I Thessalonians 4:14
For those who love Jesus there awaits a glorious reunion between the living and those who have gone to heaven before us. To grieving parents, this is a message of profound hope and comfort.
Continue reading on Christian support for parents following the loss of a child - Sacramento evangelical |
If you have experienced the loss of a child, there are many parents who desperately need to hear the message of hope and comfort only you can bring. Please, reach out and share your story for God’s glory.