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Summary: All Christians have experienced physical, mental, and emotional pain and have the scars to prove it. However too often, believers would rather keep their painful past experiences hidden, afraid to let others know life has not always been a bed of roses. But God wants to use those very same experiences as the foundation for dynamic testimonies to bring hope and healing to a dying world.
Most of us are familiar with the phase, “scarred for life.” Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines “scarred” as, “to do lasting injury to.” Gripped for Glory is a format to openly, lovingly, and biblically explore those painful experiences which have done lasting injury to our lives. And let’s face it. Even a five-year-old child knows life can sometimes hurt.
But this site is much more than a place for pity parties or strolling down memory lane just to glamorize sinful choices or revel in past tragedies. These are hardly the desired outcomes. And while honest self-disclosure has its place in healing emotional wounds, only the naïve among us believe such actions alone can mend shattered lives.
So where do we start? First, how about we collectively make up our minds to be transparent with one another about the scars we bear. Then, by the power of God’s Holy Spirit and His word, let’s help the saints of God find healing for those secret, often still oozing wounds. Let’s work to bring closure to any remaining guilt or shame which may be hindering a relationship with God and others. Sound good? Great!
With this backdrop, the articles planned for this blog will encompass a wide assortment of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritually issues. Some articles will intentionally target only committed followers of Jesus Christ. Other posts will speak to the needs of Christians and non-Christians alike since the Bible makes it clear human suffering honors no such theological boundaries.
Sometimes articles will be informational and include relevant, supportive resources. Other posts will be decidedly devotional and evangelistic in nature. Subscribers’ interest and response will aide in the selection of future topics. As content builds, articles will be listed alphabetically and linked to other related, in-house posts.
We have now arrived at the second reason for the creation of this site, a goal which is a bit more confrontational. Before you log off and run for the hills, let me explain. I have been a follower of Jesus Christ for more than thirty years. When a sinner first comes to Christ, realizing their legal debt against God has been paid in full by the death and resurrection of Jesus, they are more than eager to “forget what lies behind and reach forward to what lies ahead…” Sound advice, since this is exactly what the Apostle Paul said to the saints in Philippi.
According to the Blue Letter Bible, a “saint” is a person God has specifically and intentionally selected out from among all other people to be, “set apart for God, to be, as it were exclusively his.” Followers of Jesus Christ have been handpicked by God, set apart for a purpose. The Bible states one of those reasons is to tell the world about the miraculous works God has done in our lives. This is called our “testimony.” The Bible says the testimony of a Chistian is a powerful tool enabling one to overcome adversaries and impact lives for Christ.(See Revelation 12:11.)
But here’s the problem. It has been my experience many Christians are so ashamed of their “B.C.” (a.k.a- "before-Christ") days, they keep old scars closely guarded under lock and key away from public scrutiny. Many avoid transparency for fear of being judged or rejected by their new “perfect” Christian friends. A subtle disconnect begins. On the one hand they keep their painful past hidden from fellow Christians and on the other hand, they keep their future in Christ a secret from former friends. So where’s the testimony?
Certainly discretion and prudence dictate which events are best left buried in depths of the deep blue sea. I understand the need at times for such silence, especially if disclosure would further injure others. All I am suggesting is that too many saints have not yet fully come to understand and accept that the scars they desperately try to hide are part of God’s story in their lives – His-story in their history by divine design.
For the redeemed, past failures and wounds can be the building blocks for life-changing messages of God’s redemptive love. People can argue theology all day long, but no one can deny our personal encounters with the living God. Our past belongs to us. We are the stars in an epic story of God’s love working in and through painful human experiences to bring healing and wholeness to hurting hearts. We don’t need to hire screen writers or performing actors to create the story. It’s our life. We already know our lines. And we share our lives in so many ways with those around us. What could be more natural than sharing how God’s love changed our lives forever? Evangelism is really just that simple.
The time has come for redeemed saints of God to come to grips with the reality they have been gripped by God for a purpose. God is calling Christians to stand up, speak up and to declare the mighty transformational work of God in lost and broken lives.
As this blog journey begins, I invite you to join our community of Gripped for Glory saints who are not ashamed to share their scars for His glory. “…For you are a chosen people. You are a kingdom of priests, God’s holy nation, his very own possession. This is so you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of darkness and into his wonderful light…” 1 Peter 2:9
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