E-books by Donna Farris

E-books by Donna Farris:

Divine Commissions Series chronicles the angelic adventures of Eli and Jasmine - Servants of the Most High God.

Stone of Truth, Volume II 

When the Simpson family moves to Plymouth, Teacher Trinity finds herself drawn into the center of a raging national storm. “Do the Ten Commandments have a place in public education? Do they represent absolute truth or are they merely the delusions of religious fanatics?” Sinister forces rage as Miss Trin is forced to not only defend absolute truth, but must try and save her job in the process.

Power of a Legacy, Volume III

After inheriting a large horse ranch, Isabella is not only introduced to the love of her life, but finds herself in the midst of a generational war. Forced to battle the long-range effects of greed, she must decide where her true strength lies. But Bella is not alone. Heaven comes near as struggles for the lives and souls erupt throughout Spokane County.

Messiah's Message, Volumne IV

In Volume IV of the Divine Commissions' series, Micah Collins heads to Jerusalem to oversee the construction of a new children’s hospital. Upon arrival he soon discovers God has plans to use his prophetic gifts to not only save lives, but redeem the soul of a Jewish contractor. Unseen battles rage through the city as one man is forced to choose between bitterness and faith, between greed and family.

DivineComissions.blogspot.com allows readers to join in the adventures, share their stories, connect with other readers, and get behind-the-scenes glimpses into the making of each story.

Hope for the Hurting series

Consider Divine Love, Book One

Written for those who have experienced the pain of abusive relationships, this book is an intensely intimate look at some of the barriers survivors face when learning to again trust in love - even God's love. By examining several misconceptions about the person and work of the biblical Jesus Christ, readers are led through their own journey to discover the wonders of divine love.

Why Women Stay in Abusive Relationships, Book Two

One of the most frequently asked questions when discussing domestic violence is, "Why doesn't she just leave?" The question seems simply enough to outsiders. But for those living with day-to-day relational abuse, it is anything but simple. This booklet examines reasons why women find it so difficult to just leave, and offers scriptural hope to help.

How to Help a Friend in an Abusive Relationship:  What You Need to Know About Domestic Violence, Book Three

Domestic violence kills more than four and a half million women every year. Written for those who care, this book contains more than factual information on domestic violence. Readers will not only find biblical insights into this complex, destructive problem, but will also discover more than forty practical steps to save lives. Will you be a friend to an abused woman? If so, this book is for you.

Gripped For Glory series

Exceptional Devotion - Exceptional Honor: A biblical biography of Anna the Prophetess. Volume One.

In many ways, Anna was a simple, first-century Jewish widow. But unlike many of her contemporaries, a single master-passion consumed her life. She loved the LORD her God with all her heart, mind, soul and strength. And in the Gospel of Luke we discover how God used one woman's exceptional devotion to testify to an entire nation, "Messiah has come!"

Freed to Testify:  A biblical biography of Mary Magdalene. Volume Two

Mary Magdalene walked the earth more than two thousand years ago, yet her story remains a timeless legacy. Mary emerges from the pages of scripture as one of the most beautiful and faithful characters of the entire Bible. She exemplifies unwavering devotion and demonstrates how one faithful disciple can impact their world with the gospel message. Hers is indeed a life worth exploring.

Personal reflection questions at the end of each short biography facilitate personal application, making these a great tool for evangelism and/or women's bible studies.